Dipartimento Architettura, Design e Urbanistica
Alghero 30 agosto - 10 settmebre 2018Complesso santa Chiara

The present human condition and the situations characterising it raise new challenges for the understanding of the transformations of urban spaces we live in. In order to recognize and cope with such processes and challenges it is necessary to work on an interdependent perspective. These latter points are vital to inquire into the effects of mass movements of peoples and cultures and explore the intertwined processes of urban transformations (such as permanence and movement, progress and regression, concentration of wealth and new forms of poverty, individualism and new solidarity, etc.) - that underlie the dynamics increasingly generating social inequality and spatial injustices, expulsions as well as New approaches to security. The Summer School will focus on the implications of these tensions, on the planning, design strategies and actions while adopting an interdependent perspective that links cities with territories regarded
as origin and destination of migrations. Specifically, the school will cope with planning and design challenges linked to the arrival of migrants in Europe. Students and local inhabitants and institutions
will work side by side in order to transform situations of disorientation into possibilities of coexistence.
Architects, urban planners, anthropologists, sociologists, legal experts, economists and other experts, will discuss the relationship between cities and migrations, the many ways city life is changing in
an era of migration and the multiple forms of belonging generated by both permanence and movement.